Bug Spray Comparison

The test results listed on the table below are from organizations not affiliated with any specific product or method. This table represents a compilation of information in the public domain and does not represent the opinion from Bug-Spray.org. Please send us any information of un-biased studies that may be appropriate for inclusion in this list. We will be happy to list testing information for any nationally marketed Insect Repellent. For DEET products, higher than 35% DEET will not be listed due to the hazards they impose.

The Table entries are listed in order of efficacy from the test results.

ProductName Manufacturer Solution Actives %Active Duration Reference
OFF! Deep Woods SC Johnson Alcohol DEET 23.8% 5 hours (1)NEJM
Sawyer Controlled Release Sawyer Alcohol DEET 20% 4
(1) NEJM
OFF! Skintastic SC Johnson Alcohol DEET 6.65% 2hours (1) NEJM
Bite Blocker For Kids HOMS Plant Oils Soybean 2% 1.6 hours (1) NEJM
OFF! Skintastic For Kids SC Johnson Alcohol DEET 4.75% 1.4 hours (1) NEJM
Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Avon Water IR3535 7.5% 23 min. (1) NEJM
Natrapel Tender Plant Oils Citronella 10% 20 min. (1) NEJM
Herbal Armor All Terrain Plant Oils Citronella 12% 19 min (1) NEJM
Green Ban Mogum Hollow Farm Plant Oils Citronella 10% 14 min (1) NEJM
Buzz Away Quantum Health Plant Oils Citronella 5% 13 min (1) NEJM

Bite Blocker

Bite blocker insect repellent 4.7 ounce spray is the most effective non-DEET repellent. This type of insect repellent is rated the No.1 DEET alternative in The New England Journal of Medicine (July 2002). Patented Bite Blocker herbal repellent repels mosquitoes, ticks and black flies longer than any other non-DEET formula, and will not irritate skin.